Sep 24, 20190 comments

A little while ago, I published the Actually Manifesto on my Facebook page. This is what I wrote:

“We live in interesting times. Our dominant culture is often cynical and negative and at a time of significant global uncertainty, pessimism is an understandable response. It makes sense that people lapse into cynicism and negativity. I get it. And I am not immune to it. But I won’t give in to it. Because change does happen. Change can happen. Change must happen.

So, when it all gets too hard; when you’re exhausted and heartsore and want to give up because nobody else seems to care; when creating a change in the world is just not as alluring as a Netflix marathon…I want you to take a break. And I want you to think of me. 

I will keep holding your vision when you are too tired. I will keep believing in you, when you can’t. I will keep seeing the amazing difference you can make and the change you can create in the world. Because this is what I know. I know that change is possible. I know that YOU can create change. And I know that optimism wins.

And when you’re ready to pick up the mantle again, I will still be here. Still believing in you. And still working towards a world where everyone knows, without question, that they can make a difference.”

Within a few minutes, I received a text from a member of the Actually Community who said she had cried as she read my words. It was exactly what she needed to hear, at exactly the right moment.

There were three things I took away from that exchange:

1. That when you share what is true for you, from your heart and with no agenda other than to offer support and encouragement, that is when you can truly touch another person. Truly be heard and be of service.

2. That these moments of serendipity, synchronicity, coincidence are nudges from the Universe to reassure you that you are on the right track.


3. That when someone says something that touches you – reach out and let them know. It will mean the world to them. It meant the world to me.


For those of you who didn’t see my posts or receive my email, here’s the Actually Manifesto.

This is what I believe.

This is what I am a stand for in the world.

I hope it inspires you.

I’d love to know what you think.


The Actually Manifesto


Let’s ACTUALLY make a difference!


Sara Price

Founder, Actually

September 2019


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