Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a few years in and wondering why it isn’t all working the way you want it to, building solid foundations for your business and your marketing is THE key to achieving your business dreams and enhancing your impact.

actually® foundations
There are three groups of people who come into the Actually community.
The ‘transition-ers’. These are people who are in the process of transitioning from having a ‘job’ to having a business. They know that they want more; they want to feel fulfilled and make a difference as well as making money. For some, their business is still in the ‘planning’ phase. Others have a side-hustle business but are still working in the day job to make ends meet. Regardless, they are in that state of transition and often feeling overwhelmed about how much they need to do and wondering what to prioritise. The transitioners are often victims of ‘headless chicken-itis’ running around from pillar to post, not knowing where, when or how to get started or what to do next.
The ‘early years’ gang. These people are in the first five years of being exclusively focussed on their business. They no longer have a ‘job’. This is no longer a side-hustle. They may not see themselves as ‘business owners’ or ‘entrepreneurs’ just yet…but they are getting there. They are excited and enthusiastic about the journey but still struggling with overwhelm and wondering why their business isn’t growing faster! They are often suffering from ‘shiny object syndrome’ – going to one training after another, one workshop after another looking for the silver bullet that will help them to reach 6 or even 7 figures…preferably by next week!
The ‘established’ entrepreneurs. This group have travelled a long way down the business path. They still love what they do but they are frustrated. No matter how hard they work and how much they invest in training and support, they feel stuck. Their business has reached a plateau and they don’t seem to be able to move forwards. They are tired and fed up of feeling alone and unsupported. This group are in danger of falling victim to the ‘f*ck it’ mentality – giving up and either returning to the ‘job’ or selling up, buying a van and heading off on a world-wide adventure (that was my dream!).
Whichever group you belong to, the answer to the challenges you face is – for many of you – the same.
If you’re in transition and wondering where to start? Start by building the right foundations for your business and your marketing. before you build a website, or get your business cards printed. Before you decide on your products or set your pricing. Do the work to ensure you have the right foundations in place.
If you’re in the early years and you’re exhausted by all that training; all those workshops that teach you ‘How to Smash it on Social Media’ or ‘Storytelling for Super Sales’ or ‘Lovely Leads on LinkedIn’ when nothing actually seems to be working…You need to go back to basics and sort out the foundations of your business and marketing.
If you’ve been at this a while and you’re about to give up because, let’s be honest, it just feels to damn hard…I promise you, NOTHING will have as much impact on your business and your marketing as getting your core building blocks sorted. So give it one last try and focus on those foundations.
It’s not complicated but about 95% of purpose-led entrepreneurs skip these crucial steps. And I get it. Focussing on foundations doesn’t seem as ‘sexy’ as learning how to shuffle dance on TikTok, right?
But if you want your marketing to work and your business to grow you need to get your basic building blocks in place. How do I know? Well, I’ve been doing this for a LONG time. If you want to know more about me check out my story here.
So, if you want to learn how to shuffle dance on TikTok – knock yourself out. But if you want to do the work that will ACTUALLY® grow your business and get your marketing working properly – then I am here to help you.
No BS. Guaranteed.

In my experience about 95% of purpose-led entrepreneurs, impact business owners, coaches and consultants – whether they are just starting out or have been in business for a while – need to do some work on one or more of their core building blocks. So – whilst I am sure you are EXCEPTIONAL in every way 🙂 – the likelihood is that your foundations need some work.
But how do you know for sure? And which building blocks should you be focussing on?
Well it just so happens I’ve put together a little quiz to help you with that.
“Doing the work on my building blocks gave me knowledge and understanding of what underpins a good business. But more importantly it gave me the confidence to believe I can make it happen. The support and expertise Sara gives on top of the content is invaluable in creating a vision and then understanding how to make that vision a reality.”
You’ve done all the courses and workshops and downloaded all the freebies. But instead of feeling awesome, you’re overwhelmed, confused and your marketing STILL isn’t working!
Why? Well, most likely it’s because one or more of your building blocks – the foundation stones for your business and your marketing – aren’t as solid as they could be.
In this free guide we introduce you to each of the building blocks in the Actually 10Ps Process.
And you can complete the self-assessment quiz that will help you to work out which – if any – of your building blocks need work.
In these eight, specially recorded, workshops, we run through each of the core building blocks to help you ensure your business and your marketing are built on solid ground.
Sort out your purpose. Get clear on your principles. Identify your priorities. Work out who your people are. Craft your products and your pricing. Develop your positioning. And do your prep.
With a workbook and access to our FREE training forum to get your questions answered!
£65* EACH
ACTUALLY® foundations
Our 6 month flagship hybrid programme to get all the building blocks in place that you need to underpin your business, enhance your impact and improve your marketing.
Actually® Foundations is our flagship training programme. We’ve been running it live for four years and we have now created an enhanced hybrid programme that brings you all of the benefits of a live programme – with regular check-ins, Q&A sessions and workshops – but at a pace set by you.
The new Foundations is ‘open access’ meaning you can get started on your journey and build your foundations of success at any time. Why not start now?
*Plus VAT at 20%.
“I was struggling with how to go about setting up my new business, didn’t really know where to start and there were so many ads telling you to do this and that, follow this model or that. Actually Foundations cut through all the noise and has provided me with a structure that I can use and revisit. It’s such a sound structure that I’ve also introduced my husband to it for his small business!”
From our Blog
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What if you've done all the work on your foundational building blocks and your marketing still isn't working?
OK. First, don't panic. Second, ask yourself this: when it comes to marketing your business are your playing to your strengths? Or are you trying to squeeze your super star-shaped self into the square hole of a marketing strategy not designed for you? Are you doing what some online marketing guru - who has never met you - told you was THE thing to promote your business?
That won't work. You'll feel uncomfortable and inauthentic. And that is how you will come across.
Instead, find out what your Marketing Superpowers® are and build your marketing based on them.
What a relief!