You are more powerful than you know. You can change the world. All you have to do is use your power consciously to create the change you want to see. Let us help you.

Hi! My name is Sara – the Founder of Actually. I am a rebellious optimist and a soulful pragmatist and – to quote someone far more eloquent than me: I have a dream.
Here’s something you may not realise: the real power in the world lies with us. We are the business owners and the workforce. We are the shareholders and the consumers. We are the voters and the signers of petitions. We have the power to control economies; direct companies and hold Governments to account.
The challenge is that we don’t use that power consciously or collectively to create change.
I have spent my entire career in politics, lobbying, PR and communications. I am not naïve. I do not underestimate the scale of the task.
But I truly believe that we can create change through our businesses; through the decisions we make each day; the way we choose to live and how we show up in the world.
A world where we all recognise just how powerful we truly are; a world where we use that power collectively to create positive change: that is the world I dream of.
The Actually Community Challenge is my way of bringing that dream a step closer.
Every year I set a challenge for the Actually community: a way for each of you to start making a difference in the world regardless of what’s happening in your business.
You can join the challenge for the whole year. For just a month. Or not at all. There is no pressure to take part and no judgement if you don’t.
Every Friday, in the Actually Making a Difference Facebook Group, I offer guidance, support, advice and opportunities for connection with other people who have taken up the challenge.
And there is more…I plan some campaigning activity during the year; raise money and support great organisations that are aligned with the challenge’s aims; and at the end of the year, I plan a big party to celebrate everything we’ve achieved and to reward the Community Challenge Champions!
I really hope you will join me in this year’s challenge: Buy Nothing New for 2022.
Keep scrolling to find out more.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
jane goodall

Environmental degradation, plastics in the ocean, deforestation, pollution…it all comes back to one thing: our rampant, unconscious consumerism.
We buy things we do not need, replace things that could be repaired, send the packaging & plastic to land-fill and then wonder why our planet is on its knees: choking on our waste.
From January 1 2022, I plan to not buy anything new for a year.
There will be exceptions: food, drink, toiletries, gifts for others, and replacements for things that cannot be repaired. But even with these exceptions – I plan to be more mindful. To buy organic where I can. To recycle and repair. To focus on experiences as gifts rather than more ‘stuff’.
If this resonates with you, I’d love you to join me – but don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you have to commit to a whole year of not buying new.
You could commit to do the full year or just a month.
You could decide not to buy anything new in a particular category like clothes or kitchen gadgets.
Or perhaps you’ll choose to simply be more mindful about your shopping.
Whatever you choose, Team Actually is here to support you. Share your challenges, your questions and your wins in the Actually Facebook Group – and look out for special Community Challenge content every Friday.
By the way…at the end of the year we’ll be having a big celebration and awarding prizes to our Community Challenge Champions. Could it be you?
“Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want.”
anna lappe
It has always bugged me that the people and organisations dedicated to making a difference in the world are usually those that we pay and value the least. Nurses, teachers, care workers and charities.
I set up the Actually Changing the World Fund to try and redress that imbalance. Each year, Community Challenge participants raise and donate funds to support organisations that are aligned with the year’s theme.
At the end of the year, the Actually Community is given a chance to vote on which organisation should receive our donation.
In 2022, with our ‘Buy Nothing New’ focus, we will be looking for an environmental group to support. If you have any suggestions, please email them to
As someone with a profligate shopping habit – I know that I am going to save a huge amount of money by buying nothing new in 2022! I have committed to donating half of that money to the Fund each month.
If you would like to donate – either a one-off amount or a regular monthly sum – scroll down and look for more information or click here.
“No-one has ever become poor by giving.”
anne frank
Get insights, inspiration & support
Download resources to help you on your journey
Share your wins and seek encouragement from the community
Who knows – maybe you will be selected as a Community Challenge Champion?!
Buy nothing new for the year or a month
Or decide not to buy new clothes, or kitchen gadgets or books
Or simply commit to being more mindful in your shopping habits
It’s up to YOU how you want to take action
changing the world fund
Make a one-off donation
Or commit to a monthly amount
How much is up to you
And help us choose a worthy organisation to receive our donation at the end of the year
Team Actually creates worksheets and templates which you can find in the group. You can also access resources here – please note that this folder is updated with new information throughout the year.
And if you have any questions, want to share your wins or would just like some encouragement – please feel free to post in the group anytime using the hashtag #communitychallenge or email me via
From our Blog
*SPOILER ALERT* This week a 20 year old accountancy student became the youngest ever winner of the Great British Bake Off. I thought that this young man, was a gifted baker but unlikely to win…
FIVE LESSONS ABOUT ACHIEVING YOUR INTENTIONS Over the past two weeks, since lockdown 2.0 began in the UK, I’ve been doing daily Lockdown Reset Lives in the Actually Facebook Group with the purpose of…
LET’S TALK ABOUT MONEY I love money. Let me say that again in case there is someone at the back that didn’t hear me.
I LOVE MONEY. Did you just cringe? Yes? Interesting.
Let’s explore that shall we?
You’re not bad at promoting your business, you’re just trying to do it in a way that doesn’t work for you.
Find out what your MARKETING SUPERPOWERS ® are and start communicating with your audience in a way that resonates with them & feels comfortable, authentic and natural for YOU.
Phew! Doesn’t that sounds awesome?